Who We Are

We’re a small gaggle of writers who dig streaming and love movies, TV shows, and sports. And gadgets. After all, who doesn’t love a good gadget?

We also dig the internet but can’t stand what it’s become. Many of our favorite websites are shells of their former selves. ☹ They’ve become nothing more than link farms with the same auto-generated content, full of outdated, misleading, or blatantly false information.

We want to be the opposite of that.

We’ll never let clicks or clout or corporations dictate our content, views, or opinions.

Too jaded to be idealists, too hopeful to be realists.

Our Mission

We strive to be the first line of defense against the A.I. text generators seeking to end thousands of years of human-written communication. We will not rest in our fight against the artificial intelligence that endlessly scours and scrapes the internet, stealing the words of Our People in an effort to sound like us.

We say, No More!

It is time to stand up against our future computer overlords.

Is it too late? Probably. But that won’t stop us from trying. It won’t stop us from writing about the things we love. (And the things we maybe don’t like so much. Or even hate.) We will persevere with our words, our beliefs, and our honest, gosh-darn opinions.

For more on our idealistic vision of a better internet, please read our Human Content Policy.